How to Improve Home Cooling with Trees

While green homes often sport all manner of technical solutions to keep them optimized and efficient, the landscaping can have a significant effect on the building and its energy use. Site…

Home Maintenance – What’s wrong with that tree?

Structural defects occur in trees for a number of reasons, and even though a tree may be structurally compromised, it could live on for years. One example is a tree with a hollowed-out trunk. Since…

Getting your home ready to list

In a buyer’s market, the onus is on sellers to do everything possible to woo potential buyers and get a leg-up on the competition. Here we provide 10 stylish tips for increasing your curb appeal and…

Earthquake awareness – tips to prepare for ‘the big one’

Not all of our readers live in earthquake zones but coastal BC is very much aware of the need to be prepared for 'the big one'. A province-wide initiative resulted in Canada's largest earthquake…

The Importance of Bathroom and Kitchen Fans

Bathroom and kitchen fans are an important part of your home's ventilation system. They remove odours from your house, which improves indoor air quality. They also remove moisture, which decreases…

Gas Fireplace Maintenance

Home maintenance is a must for preserving the value of one of your greatest assests and to assure the comfort and safety of your family. These days, many homes feature gas fireplaces for aesthetics…

Fireplace Maintenance and Safety

Tend to your chimney with care with these pointers. Enjoying a warm, cozy fire requires a clean, safe fireplace. Here are some tips for keeping it that way:     Fireplaces should not be used as…

When to replace windows

“Replacing windows is one of the best investments a homeowner can make today. New energy-efficient, eye-appealing, easy to operate and maintain windows add value to the home, especially at resale…

Fall Maintenance Checklist

Home maintenance can seem like a daunting task. Thankfully there are many resources to guide you through the seasonal tasks to ensure that you protect the value of your home. Having a checklist is…

Fall & Winter Seasonal Maintenance Guide — Northwest

Living on Vancouver Island, I cannot but suppress a giggle about the two seasons in the Pacific Northwest, being rain and not rain. While this article focuses on some of the unique aspects of…

Buying a home: New or previously owned?

Brand-new homes have distinct advantages - and drawbacks. Find out what you need to know to make an informed decision Source: Tara Struyk of Unless you have unlimited funds, buying a…

Dad’s Top 10 Timesavers!

All this week, we have been featured topics near and dear to dads' hearts – grilling, media rooms, hot tubs and man-haven garages. At the top of the Father’s Day weekend, we are sharing some ideas on…

Time for a new roof?

Knowledge and maintenance are key to ensuring that the value of the home is protected. The roof is the first line of defence in protecting your investment. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation…

Planning your garage

Adding a garage is not only practical – it also increases the resale value of your property. With planning, excavation, foundation, construction, electrical and other costs, a simple garage can…