9 August 2022
The GABLE HOUSE | Jenn x DrummondHousePlans
Over the past few weeks, many may have heard of the GABLE HOUSE PROJECT | Jenn x DrummondHousePlans on our social media... It is our pleasure today to introduce you to this beautiful step by step…
Gable House ProjectInterior DesignJennifer LarocqueModern farmhouse styleCollaborationsCountry styleStep by step progressCoup de coeurJENN X Drummond House PlansModern farmhouse home
29 June 2020
You like Farmhouse house plans: you talked, we listened! Without further ado, here is the photo / guided tour of one of our “best seller” Farmhouse plans in the affordable “Farmhouse” category,…
Drummond House PlansSmall & affordable homeInterior DesignModern farmhouse homeModern Rustic StyleCountry homeColorsJENN X Drummond House PlansRoom by roomModern farmhouse styleCoup de coeurCountry styleLightingJennifer Larocque