21 November 2008
Countdown till Christmas…
It is well known that many of us have a tendency to way till the last minute to finish our Xmas shopping and preparations. If you are anything like me, you're the type to wait until the 24 and 31st…
11 November 2008
Electronic Thermostat
Electronic thermostats reach a more uniform temperature than conventional bi-metallic thermostats. What’s more, their use can save up to 10% on the costs of heating. Conventional thermostats work…
Drummond House PlansBuilding materialsLightingEnvironmental issues
31 October 2008
Choosing the right snow removal contractor this winter!
I know, you’re saying to yourself that it’s much too soon to be talking about snow, and to this I would say that you are quite right (although we have already seen snow…). Nevertheless, the month of…
3 September 2008
When is the right time to pour a foundation?
It is important to ask ourselves, “What is the main reason for pouring your foundation very early on in the project and leaving it all winter without building on it?” Certain contractors pour their…
19 August 2008
How much does a detached garage cost?
To tell the truth, this question is asked frequently! It is obviously not easy to give a precise cost due to the imponderables that are connected to it. First, it depends on the type of ground on…
Detached garage & shedBuilding materialsDrummond House PlansLighting
1 May 2008
Why not purchase it now?
It's funny how we are sometimes, and how predictable we sometimes are as consumers. I include myself of course! Need a barbecue for the summer? Many of us run to our local hardware store and…
2 April 2008
How about some Christmas tree lights for spring?
I know it may sound peculiar and nobody really wants to hear anybody talk or even mention Christmas in April, but now that I have your attention, check out this link that gives you great ideas on how…
5 March 2008
2008 Colour Trends
Colours again? Who can blame me especially on a day like this? Ice pellets, snow, wind! Gray and white are the only colours I'm seeing through my window today..... Even the parked cars this…
13 February 2008
Too much snow on your roof?
It's really amazing how every winter is different. Some years we have truck loads of snow and some years like last year, we hardly had any snow left for family sugar shacks in March! I've recently…
29 November 2007
Caring for Your Hardwood Floors This Winter
Homeowners with hardwood floors are often concerned about damaging their floors during the winter season. Without proper care, winter's harsh elements? slush, snow and salt? can dull the varnish of…
15 November 2007
Fireplaces and woodstoves who pollute too much will be banished
The Canadian Council of Environment Ministers has planned for 2005 a national ban of the sale of non-certified wood-burning appliances for their weak particle emissions. Specialists and consumers…
Furniture & accessoriesBuilding materialsDrummond House PlansHealth & securityEnvironmental issues
6 November 2007
Why Build Green?
Increasing the efficiency of buildings and their use of energy, water, and materials, and reducing building impacts on human health and the environment, through better siting, design, construction,…
Drummond House PlansBuilding materialsLightingEnvironmental issues