Designing a Safe Room

This article will feature a summary of the resources available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for designing a safe room to shelter you and your loved ones from natural disasters…

Make your home winter ready

Although not really a concern to our Southern neighbors, homeowners of the North (East, Central and West) may find this article enlightening with a few tips on preparing for the cold to make your…

Cleaning promises

A guest post by Grace Bailey edited by Deb Villeneuve

Boost Your Energy With Natural Light

Modern Kitchen design by Seattle Architect McClellan Architects Abundant natural light…

Finish Your Basement the Right Way

Contemporary Basement design by Minneapolis Design-build Orfield Remodeling, Inc…

Unexpected Renovation Budget-Busters

Source: via Drummond…

Decking Innovation – Perennial Wood

So, I have to admit... I am addicted to the concept of all things home related. It is not only about decor. It is all about the entire building from the inside out. Building techniques, energy…

As We Prepare to “Spring Forward”, Reflect on the Benefits of Daylight

With Daylight Savings time approaching on March 11, it is a good time to reflect on light in the home. Realtors will attest to the value of a bright and welcoming home. Do you have any idea why the…