17 April 2024
First time home buyers, finally some good news!
First time home buyers are finally catching a break! The government had decided to roll out the red carpet in order to facilitate access to property with interesting measures, including the FHSAs.…
13 September 2023
All About The Italian Shower
In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the Italian shower.
5 November 2017
Affordable bungalow house plan with master suite and garage
Drummond House Plans new plan, #3291 also named Woodside will offer many conveniences and great confort to your family for years to come. This new affordable bungalow with master suite and one-car…
Small & affordable homeModern farmhouse styleCoup de coeurRustic StyleModern rustic homeModern farmhouse homeModern Rustic Style
22 January 2017
House of the week: 3 bedroom bungalow with many floor plan options
Simple and economical to build traditional 3 bedroom bungalow was inspired by the basic 2133 model, and has retained the curb appeal, the inviting porch and uniquely configured entrance foyer. The…
Traditional StyleContemporary & modern homeModern farmhouse styleHouse of the WeekModern Rustic StyleSmall & affordable homeModern rustic homeModern farmhouse homeLatest Trends
10 April 2015
New modern 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms house plan
Our designers have developed a NEW truly remarkable two story, modern 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms house plan with a rustic feel. The blend of exterior materials combined with maximized interior spaces are…
Contemporary & modern homeHouse of the Week4+ bedroom home & cottageModern rustic homeSmall & affordable home