Spanish Eco-Lighting Shines

Sneak peek of some energy-efficient lighting solutions from Interior Design From Spain OUTDOOR LIGHTING We know that Spain falls on the more fortunate side of Mother Nature, but many of us have to…

Manitoba leads way in energy conservation

Article from the Brandon Sun, August 30, 2010 by Mike Moore THE Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance recently released its 8th annual report card and Manitoba led the country for the fourth straight…

Dad’s Top 10 Timesavers!

All this week, we have been featured topics near and dear to dads' hearts – grilling, media rooms, hot tubs and man-haven garages. At the top of the Father’s Day weekend, we are sharing some ideas on…

The History and Health Benefits of Hot Tubs

As we continue our father-inspired topics this week, we visit one of Dad’s favourite back yard features - the hot tub. It does not seem to matter whether we are vibrant zoomers, broken boomers, or…

Backyard grilling kicks it up a notch!

While many men shy away from the kitchen, the backyard grill is the primal domain that beckons them to strut their stuff. Whether it is a simple charcoal bowl or an elaborate grill-zebo, dads and…

Top 10 Things to do on May Long Weekend

The May long weekend is upon us and the promise of spring is all around. The long weekend can be relaxing, productive or both! Just in case you are wondering what to do with your first long weekend,…

Say SP-ahhhhhhh!

Results from our recent poll are in and the House Doctor orders "say sp-ahhhhh"! In our recent poll, we asked: "In your next home, what type of master bathroom suite will you plan for?" The results…

Save the trees !… But not all of them!

In our industry, we have the chance (!) to see some designs, construction, landscaping or many other mistakes.  But this one is the worst I've never seen !! This picture comes from a web site named…

Shed Plans & Outdoor Storage Solutions

Store your bicycles, garden tools, recreational toys & other seasonal necessities like snow blowers and swimming pool gear in the creative NEW shed plans that Drummond House Plans' has planned.…

What we flush down the toilet is actually ecological!

Who would have known that everytime we flush we are actually flushing away valuable and natural fertilizer.  At least that's what Dave claims in his article "Sustainable Sanitation" found on the blog…

A little grass humor…

One thing is for sure, if spring is a sure way to uplift the spirit, so are humor and good laughs!  Now, depending on when and where you will read this, you may or may not find it funny.  But let me…

Renovation, a good way to offset the expected slowdown in construction startups

In recent years, the residential construction industry has undergone an unprecedented growth, and it’s noteworthy that the province of Quebec has contributed more than ever to the record construction…