Cost to build a garage

Inspired by Denis Chamberland's original article in French, translated by Deb Villeneuve

Energy Efficiency Series: Energy Upgrades That Pay For Themselves

In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.  Choosing an energy-efficient…

10 Safety Tips to Remember When Using a Wood Burning Stove

A wood burning stove that is properly installed and carefully maintained can provide the warmth and comfort you need in winter. Wood burning stoves also provide the perfect heating alternative when…

New Roof: Is it time?

Your roof is a workhorse element to your home because your roofing is the first line of defense between you, and the elements all year around. But, as Autumn progresses into winter months, and…

Energy Efficiency Series: How to Buy Energy Efficient Windows and Doors

In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. Did you know that up to 25% of…

The Case for Linoleum and Vinyl Floors

Paul Anater of Kitchen and Residential Design is a prolific writer who's articles show up in many design circles. He has posted a series of flooring articles on one of our favorite design sites,…

How to Judge a Quote for Siding/Roofing/Windows

When you’ve got a major exterior home renovation project like siding, roofing, and window replacement, and you’re balancing a number of installation quotes, how do you decide on which one makes the…

Energy Efficiency Series: Recoup 30 Percent More When You Remodel Green

In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.

Energy Efficiency Series: The Passivhaus Standard

In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. A Passivhaus (or Passive…

Energy Efficiency Series: Great News! Renewed ecoENERGY Retrofit-Homes Program Announced Today!

The Canadian Newswires are abuzz today with the announcement of the renewal of the ecoENERGY Retrofit-Homes program. The CHBA press-released the following: The Canadian Home Builders' Association…

Keeping Water Out of Buildings

When looking at a home as a system, protection from the elements is a goal. Water and moisture can cause a great deal of damage to a structure and knowing all of the plains of potential pathways help…