28 May 2014
Make Your Air Conditioner Fit
A guest post by Emily Davies edited by Deb Villeneuve If you are someone that has taken time and effort to create the perfect garden, then the last thing you want is something that is going to spoil…
28 May 2014
Roof coverings and materials
A guest post by Grace Bailey edited by Deb Villeneuve When you are putting a roof on your home, you will need to give a decent level of thought to the type of roofing - roof coverings and materials…
23 May 2014
The perfect Lakefront home
Classic design remains in good taste, as with this stunningly timeless 3 to 4 bedroom Waterfront house design makes it the perfect lakefront home, whose subsequent models make a statement that…
15 May 2014
When to Buy Appliances
A guest post by Jake Smith edited by Deb Villeneuve So, you are out window shopping and you suddenly come across a beautiful sweater on display? It is just the color that you need and just your…
Home addition & remodelingTips & tricksDrummond House PlansFinance & legal
15 May 2014
Creating Depth In Your Home: Tips & Tricks
A guest post by Naomi Shaw edited by Deb Villeneuve More space. It’s something that just about everyone could use a little more of in their house. If you’d love to have a bigger home but moving is…
Tips & tricksDecorationFurniture & accessoriesOutdoor LivingRoom by room
2 May 2014
Modular Chalet with NOYO module
There are times when a collaboration between partners leads to an exciting, new concept such as is the case with the Contemporary/ Modern style chalet #3968 for which our assistance was requested to…
1 May 2014
Plagiarism is no joke
Plagiarism and copyright infringement are no joke and this kind of theft is punishable by law. It has recently been discovered by our research team that there is an unscrupulous US Design Firm who…
1 May 2014
Air-Purifying Hardwood Flooring Hits the Market
Here's an interesting article found on Builder Online, about a new line of hardwood floors that can improve the air quality of your home! Now you have a good reason to renovate your house or build a…
Furniture & accessoriesBuilding systemsTechnology & home innovation
1 May 2014
Environmentally superior chalet
With the Environmentally Superior method to enhance the quality of construction and energy efficiency Drummond House Plans proposes a new and innovative approach to ecologically and ergonomically…
1 May 2014
A timeless home with terraces
Classic design is often enduring as a timeless home with terraces and subsequent model versions whose delightful design makes an elegant statement that is appreciated by homeowners and remains…
24 April 2014
Environmentally Superior Bungalow
Designed with the same “ES” inspiration as plan 2939-ES, one of our top-selling cabin home designs, Drummond House Plans new approach includes Northaven another application of the strategy that…
Construction methodsEnvironmental issuesDrummond House Plans
23 January 2014
Affordable semi detached
If you are looking for an affordable semi…
Drummond House PlansFinance & legalHouse of the WeekSmall & affordable home
17 January 2014
Contemporary chalet
Inspired by model 2955, this contemporary…
Outdoor LivingSeasonal ideasHouse of the WeekDrummond House Plans
19 December 2013
Victorian Inspiration
If you are passionate about…
Seasonal ideasOutdoor LivingRoom by roomModern rustic homeHouse of the WeekDrummond House Plans
6 December 2013
Make Your Home Feel Bigger
a guest post by Joshua Bing edited by Deb Villeneuve Living in a small house can get a little bit tedious sometimes and you might dream of the day you win the lottery so you can buy somewhere bigger.…
Tips & tricksDIY projectsFinance & legalDrummond House PlansHome addition & remodeling
2 December 2013
10 ways to color the season “green”
It seems as though, no matter how "environmentally friendly" you are during the year, something seems to come over us during the holiday season that tends to diminish push all of these good…
DIY projectsTips & tricksOutdoor LivingColorsSeasonal ideasEnvironmental issuesDecoration
22 November 2013
Interior Painting Tips
a guest post by Grace Bailey edited by Deb Villeneuve One of the easiest ways to change the feel of your home is to change its colors. Painting is the way to go, however many of us seem to have…
Maintenance home & gardenFinance & legalDrummond House PlansRoom by roomHome addition & remodelingTips & tricksColorsDIY projects