In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.

So you’ve swapped your incandescent lightbulbs for CFLs, turned down the thermostat, and only wash clothes on cold. Then why are your utility bills still so high? Air leaks are likely culprits, but so are “phantom” power suckers, such as flat-screen TVs, which draw energy even when they’re off.

To help pinpoint exactly where you are burning through resources—and cash—we polled energy consultants across the country. The simplest route, they agree, is to have a professional auditor detect leaks with sophisticated tools, such as blower doors and infrared cameras. Your local utility may offer this service for free, but if it doesn’t, the cost is typically $400. Or you can do some easy tests yourself and put your money toward addressing the problems. “There are many steps homeowners can take before calling a pro,” says Jeffrey Gordon, spokesperson for the New York State Energy Research Development Authority. “With a little knowledge and determination, you might be surprised by your next power bill.” Read on to learn how to spot and stop some of the biggest energy wasters.

Read entire original article from This Old House

Each Thursday, we will feature a blog entry about energy efficient new homes, covering a range of topics from building innovations to ratings systems to “score” your home’s efficiency. Subscribe to the DrummondHousePlans blog to make sure you get the latest news on how to make your new or renovated home energy efficient.