28 May 2010
Canada’s housing market safe from foreclosure wave
An article in today's Financial Post dispels the fears of a "housing bubble" in Canada. Canada won't fall victim to foreclosure wave: Report John Shmuel, Financial Post Published: Friday, May 28,…
18 September 2009
Home Renovation: Visit us at the Nanaimo Trade Show!
Are you considering renovating your home? Come to the Renos Done Right Seminars and Trade Show on September 26, 2009 in Nanaimo. This one-day, free admission show is hosted by the Canadian Home…
Drummond House PlansHome addition & remodelingProfessional Services
20 May 2009
Building your first home?
You've thought about it for so long and now, you are close to start building your home! What an exciting decision but are you ready? Are you stepping down this path for the first time? Nervous…
Building materialsProfessional ServicesTips & tricksDrummond House PlansFinance & legal
20 March 2009
2009 Home Shows: meet Drummond House Plans at these British-Colombia & New-Brunswick locations
Dear future homeowners, home builders, home renovation builders, Come and meet Drummond House Plans' residential design expert Mr. Richard Martin, at these 2009 Home Shows in British Colombia,…
31 October 2008
Choosing the right snow removal contractor this winter!
I know, you’re saying to yourself that it’s much too soon to be talking about snow, and to this I would say that you are quite right (although we have already seen snow…). Nevertheless, the month of…
28 October 2008
A billion dollar House !!!
Have you ever had the opportunity to visit a billion dollar house ?! Forbes magazine gives you the chance to visit one through this link My opinion ? Absolutely awesome, imposing and fabulous...…
18 September 2008
Customer testimony
Last Monday, I posted this messsage on my personal blog from one of our many satisfied customers :o) Good Afternoon, We recently purchased one of your designs and are currently in the process of…
2 January 2008
Hiring a contractor
Deciding on which contractor will build your home is a critical step in making your dream a reality. There are many things to consider when making your choice. ROLE OF THE CONTRATOR The contractor’s…
Building materialsDrummond House PlansFinance & legalConstruction methodsProfessional Services
19 December 2007
Lots about lots
When you’re thinking about building a new home it’s pretty easy to get caught up in thinking only about the sticks and bricks of the structure. Many people overlook the fact that the lot you choose…
12 December 2007
The bi-generation house, a well thought out choice
A Definition The bi-generation house is the type of construction sometimes considered to facilitate access to property for young adults ready to assume responsibility, or oftentimes by parents or…
Latest TrendsProfessional ServicesDrummond House PlansMultifamily & multigenerational home dhp
17 October 2007
Renovation, a good way to offset the expected slowdown in construction startups
In recent years, the residential construction industry has undergone an unprecedented growth, and it’s noteworthy that the province of Quebec has contributed more than ever to the record construction…
Outdoor LivingProfessional ServicesFinance & legalDrummond House PlansHome addition & remodeling