Fun ideas for Easter 2017

Each event has its own decorations and if it's your turn this year to entertain the family you will find some fun ideas for Easter 2017 and fresh, new ways to feed your guests with these original…

Decorating the playroom

Inspired by an original article by Jenn Larocque If you are short on storage space for all of your children's games and toys this article will help inspire you with ideas for decorating the playroom.…

A garden shed or a play house as a weekend project, why not ?

Despite the time of the year, you may be discovering that you have accumulated many things during the summer months and are now in need of a place to put all of the recreational and pool equipment,…

Housing blended families

Inspired by Jennifer Larocque's original article

DIY Custom-Hued Chalk Paint For Decorating Fun

We are seeing more and more use of chalk paint used in decor to create space for notes or a blank canvas for young (and young-at-heart) artists. We have yet to test this DIY project but it comes from…

Bunk room blast – a great kid space

Thanks to Twitter and Facebook, I sometimes have too much exposure to great ideas. Effective use of space is always a challenge so when I came across this blog post from August Fields it was a given…

14 Picture Perfect Playhouses

It may seem hard to imagine with the current conditions outside, but now is the perfect time to start thinking about backyard season. In addition to planning your gardens and picking patio furniture,…

Take a Seat at the New Kitchen-Table Island

Hybrid Kitchen Islands Swap Storage for a Table-Like Look and More Seating  Lately, a whole lot of kitchen islands are starting to look an awful lot like kitchen tables. Sure, furniture-style legs…

Daily splash – creating a kid-friendly bathroom

Designing a kid-friendly bathroom can be a challenge. Color and pattern are great in small doses, but too much whimsy, and the room runs the risk of being quickly outgrown. We asked designer…