10 March 2011
Building a Deck: 4 Decking Essentials
When considering building a deck, there are many variables that need to be evaluated. Some considerations that need to be decided on include where the deck will be placed, and its use and the size…
Drummond House PlansRoom by roomFinance & legalOutdoor LivingDIY projectsHome addition & remodeling
9 March 2011
Canadian tax implications of cross-border real estate shopping
It's hard to resist the temptation of an excellent bargain. With that being said, their are implications beyond the pricetag. A recent article in the Globe and Mail scratches the surface of what…
1 March 2011
Accessible housing by design – ramps
People who inhabit and visit the houses we live in come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from infants to seniors, with various ever-changing abilities and skills. As we grow up, grow old and welcome…
Home addition & remodelingFinance & legalDrummond House PlansHealth & security
10 February 2011
Looking to build or renovate? Get it in writing!
Why a written contract makes sense... You want to work with a reputable contractor – one that treats you fairly and honestly, puts their promises in writing,and backs up their work.You should not…
Professional ServicesFinance & legalConstruction methodsHome addition & remodeling
6 February 2011
Xeriscaping – A sustainable landscape option
Whether by conscience or necessity, many people are looking to reduce their water consumption. The perfectly manicured emerald lawn may certainly look lovely but normally requires a great deal of…
Outdoor LivingFinance & legalEnvironmental issuesRecycling, composting & wasteTips & tricks
1 February 2011
Special Promotion on Customized Drummond Plans
Dream the dream – customize your Drummond House Plan and save!
26 January 2011
The Importance of Bathroom and Kitchen Fans
Bathroom and kitchen fans are an important part of your home's ventilation system. They remove odours from your house, which improves indoor air quality. They also remove moisture, which decreases…
Building systemsMaintenance home & gardenFinance & legalEnvironmental issuesRoom by roomHealth & security
17 January 2011
Will new mortgage rules trigger winter buying?
The new rules being introduced by the Canadian Real Estate Association could be just the incentive for young home-buyers to get off the fence, as indicated in today's Globe and Mail...
17 December 2010
Holiday Parody – On the 6th day of building…6 Formers Forming!
Our parody on the Twelve Days of Christmas continues. We dare you not to sing them out loud!
Professional ServicesFinance & legalBuilding materialsHealth & security
6 December 2010
Holiday Parody – On the 5th day of building…
Our parody on the Twelve Days of Christmas continues. We dare you not to sing them out loud!
4 December 2010
Holiday parody – On the 4th day of building…
Our parody on the Twelve Days of Christmas continues. We dare you not to sing them out loud!
Outdoor LivingDrummond House PlansFinance & legalEnvironmental issuesLightingSeasonal ideas
3 December 2010
Holiday parody – On the 3rd day of building…
Our parody on the Twelve Days of Christmas continues. We dare you not to sing them out loud!
30 November 2010
Manitoba’s Housing Market Quick to Bounce Back As Affordability Improves: RBC Economics
Source: Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Manitoba’s housing affordability improved in the third quarter of 2010 and housing resales picked up in September and October, swiftly turning the page on a…
19 October 2010
Amortization Explained
Amortization – What is it? Investopedia defines Amortization as follows: “The paying off of debt in regular installments over a period of time.” Basically amortization is how long a mortgage loan…