29 September 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Sunshades in Passive Solar Applications
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.
Home addition & remodelingDrummond House PlansEnvironmental issues
8 September 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. As you are looking to build a…
26 August 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: How Solar Cells Work
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. Nearly all of our electricity…
18 August 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Green Home? Save Green on Financing!
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. When you are looking at a new…
4 August 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Recoup 30 Percent More When You Remodel Green
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.
Drummond House PlansBuilding materialsOutdoor LivingFinance & legalEnvironmental issues
21 July 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: The Passivhaus Standard
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. A Passivhaus (or Passive…
Drummond House PlansEnvironmental issuesBuilding systemsBuilding materials
7 July 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Add Energy Savings to Your Summer Vacation
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable. Energy efficiency is not only…
23 June 2011
Energy Efficiency Series: Energy Star Qualified Homes
In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.
Building systemsHealth & securityDrummond House PlansHome addition & remodelingEnvironmental issues
6 June 2011
Going Green in the Laundry Room
As industries shift to accommodate a new market for eco-friendly products, your choices as a consumer are becoming more and more important to the task of creating a greener world. This permeates your…
Environmental issuesRecycling, composting & wasteRoom by room
27 May 2011
2011 US Housing Market Slump: When Will It End?
The state of the housing industry in the United States is dire in 2011, with debt loads mounting and home values plummeting. Some of the details of just how bad the home buying market is in America…
9 May 2011
How to Improve Home Cooling with Trees
While green homes often sport all manner of technical solutions to keep them optimized and efficient, the landscaping can have a significant effect on the building and its energy use. Site…
Environmental issuesDrummond House PlansMaintenance home & gardenTips & tricksOutdoor LivingBuilding systemsHome addition & remodeling