10 Contractor Scam Warning Signs

Our thoughts and empathy goes out to those affected by the recent eastern seaboard hurricane. In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, many homeowners are left wondering what to do. In addition to the…

Accessible Housing By Design – Make Your Living Space More Livable

As we grow up, grow older or welcome new people into our homes, our needs as homeowners can change. A house that is designed, built or renovated according to the principles of universal design can…

CMHC – July 9, 2012 New Mortgage Rules in Canada

Here is the summary of the yet another CMHC new rule for “high ratio” mortgages (20% < lower down payment).  Note – this change of rule does NOT apply to anyone who has 20% down payment or more.…

Unexpected Renovation Budget-Busters

Source: homedesigndirectory.com.au via Drummond…

5 Kitchen Improvements to Enhance Aesthetics and Improve Resale Value

Nowhere else in the home does design and functionality need to be more harmonious than in the kitchen. This is the most-used room of the house, one where we spend most of our leisure time, one that…

RRSP Mortgages

A recent Moneysense article addresses the topic of RRSP mortgages as a viable financial strategy in a down market. This is not a short-term strategy and should be investigated carefully but does…

Our Copyright infringers Black Book continues !…

The web business is a fascinating universe.  Sometimes, it helps you to find something quicker than you never thought before.  And sometimes, you find some things that you really don't want to…

Quacent Homes: What about Copyrights infringements guys ?…

Some things can easily be discussed on a blog on a positive way;  but sometimes, we have to warn our customers about experiences we have had with some companies... In the last months, we have had a…

Steps To Take When Your Home Has Been Damaged By a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters often strike without warning. Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and even torrential rains and ice storms can all wreak havoc on your home and leave you wondering where to turn. If…

Refresh the Look of Your Kitchen with Sink and Faucet Replacement

Kitchens tend to be the hub of the home and realtors agree that kitchen improvements are well worth the investment. Thankfully, there are a few kitchen updates that are neither expensive nor…

Outstanding News for First Time Home Buyers in BC

If you have been sitting on the fence, wondering about whether or not to purchase your first home, 2012 is shaping up to be a great year! In the 2012 BC Budget released on February 21, 2012, The…

Energy Efficiency Series: Alternate Building Methods

In our energy efficiency series of articles featured each Thursday, we provide strategies or information on how to make your new home energy efficient and comfortable.  In a quest for cost-effective,…

Tech Tuesday Topic: Home Automation

People who inhabit and visit the houses and homes we live in come in all shapes and sizes. They range in age from infancy to old age with a variety of ever-changing abilities and skills. Housing…