Creating spring cleaning checklists are something that can get a little dull, but in the long run, they can help keep the spring cleaning process organized and productive. This is especially true of projects that can take more than a couple days.

When preparing a list of tasks for completion, you want to categorize your projects.  Then attack each one with a thorough and complete approach, meeting milestones that demonstrate visible progress that motivates you for the next part of the greater spring cleaning project.

Spring cleaning checklist: small victories lead to big ones

When taking on a big job like a top-to-bottom spring clean, small victories are what you’re after. When you feel like you’re making progress, like you’re actually gaining ground, winning the war against clutter and  uncleanliness doesn’t seem so unlikely. A checklist for each micro-project can really help you to gain the vital momentum you need to win each battle, and to see the progress you need to see.

Here’s one example of how to break down a task into digestible steps:

Spring cleaning checklist: the windows

  • Take down all draperies.
  • Send them to the cleaners, or prepare them for the wash.
  • Take note of any fraying, and mend (or have mended) as needed.
  • Dust the blinds. Either take them down, as in the case of vinyl blinds, and hose them down; or use a nice duster that made for this type of work.
  • Vacuum out the window track and clean out debris that can cause allergies and looks unpleasant. Check to make sure that the window opens and closes properly by adding a lubricant if needed. Double-check the locks to make sure they are latching properly.
  • Dust the windowsill area and make sure there are no cracks that need to have caulking applied.
  • Clean the window with regular window cleaner and newspaper. The newspaper will give the glass a nice shine and coat it so that dust will not stick to it later on.

Following a methodical,  step-by-step process like this for each minor spring cleaning job will ensure that the home is cleaned in a thorough manner overall.  But, it’s also a way you can feel that important sense of accomplishment, too.

Plan on this process to take a few days or weekends. Remember, spring cleaning can take time. Remember  too, that you’re in charge, and you get to decide how long your process should take.

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