“Replacing windows is one of the best investments a homeowner can make today. New energy-efficient, eye-appealing, easy to operate and maintain windows add value to the home, especially at resale time. And more importantly, new windows add value to your life.”

Keeping windows painted and in working order are basic maintenance requirements for many homeowners, especially those who own older homes. The look and condition of a window offer clues as to whether it’s time to replace. With today’s highly energy-efficient windows and modern designs, there are plenty of cost-saving, aesthetic and functional advantages to replacing windows. Not to mention the resale value new windows generate. And, ensuring that emergency egress windows and doors (required by building codes) can be opened quickly can literally save lives, permitting a swift, safe escape in the event of a fire.

According to an industry homebuyer’s guide, if a home has been well maintained, it can command a much higher price than the same home with fair to poor maintenance. The guide says that an older home with modest construction features, such as a remodeled kitchen, or new insulating glass replacement windows, will add to its value.*

Read on for guidelines on replacements…